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Apator Powogaz Aqua Therm 2024

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    As the official and exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine, we proudly participated in the International AquaTherm Exhibition, held in Kyiv from May 14 to 16, 2024. Building on the success of last year's participation, this event allowed us to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to innovation in water resource management.

    Event Overview:
    AquaTherm Kyiv is the leading exhibition focused on water supply, energy-efficient heating, industrial refrigeration equipment, ventilation, air conditioning, and plumbing. This year, the event brought together industry leaders and experts to discuss the latest technologies and solutions.

    Our Achievements:
    Last year, we interacted with over 9,500 participants, including heads of water utilities and heating networks, municipalities, government agencies, and major residential developers. This year, we deepened these relationships and established new ones, showcasing our latest technological advancements in the field.

    Key Topics Discussed:
    The 2024 exhibition focused on enhancing the resilience of critical infrastructure in Ukraine, particularly in the water supply and heat production sectors. Discussions included collaboration with international donor organizations and highlighted community projects aimed at reconstructing and restoring vital services.

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Meeting of our partners from Cherkasy and Kremenchuk in Lutsk

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    The city of Lutsk is currently one of the leaders in implementing Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in Ukraine, and this is thanks to the comprehensive coverage of the LoRaWAN network. This wireless communication technology opens up unlimited possibilities for the development of a smart city, where every aspect of life can be improved through the automation of various urban life aspects.

    The successful implementation of LoRaWAN in Lutsk is inspiring other cities in Ukraine to join this technological movement. We are confident that the use of LoRaWAN in water management is just the beginning of creating modern, efficient, and stable water supply systems for every city.

    Recently, we organized a meeting of our partners from Cherkasy and Kremenchuk in Lutsk, where we exchanged experiences and actively sought new solutions. Within the framework of our activities, we collaborate with water sector specialists, conduct research, aiming to promote innovative approaches and facilitate their implementation nationwide, thus contributing to improving the quality of water services for the population.

    The meeting with partners has been an important step towards deepening cooperation and exchanging innovative ideas for further development in the water supply sector and the use of IoT technologies in this process.

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Сontract between Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal and the official distributor of Apator Powogaz

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    With great respect and gratitude, we would like to inform you about our cooperation with Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal, thanks to which Vinnytsia residents can now purchase meters through the water utility on favourable terms, namely
    - For household consumers - UAH 800, with the possibility of instalments up to 6 months;
    - For legal entities - UAH 1850 (100% payment).

    This choice demonstrates the trust in the quality and reliability of our equipment. Our meters meet the highest quality and safety standards, which guarantees a stable and reliable water supply.

    We are confident that this cooperation will contribute to increased comfort for all residents of the city, and together with Vinnytsiaoblvodokanal we are committed to continue to provide the highest quality of service to all our customers.

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Apator Powogaz and TVO Group at a meeting with local authorities in Svitlovodsk

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    The main goal of this meeting is to ensure reliable payment for water by consumers in all cities of Ukraine, which will be reflected in timely and uninterrupted collection of payments. This opens up the opportunity for water utilities to improve the quality of services and start a phased modernisation of water supply networks.

    During the meeting, we, as the official and exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine, presented innovative Smart meters with the following features:

    - Automatic data collection and transmission system, which eliminates the possibility of errors or false information about consumed resources.

    - Resistance to strong magnetic fields, which guarantees reliability in combating fraud.

    - Highly accurate measurement, the system responds even to minimal water flow, ensuring accurate measurements.

    - Zonal meters for detecting places of possible gusts. This allows for a quick response to leaks and avoidance of losses, providing utilities with the necessary information.

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Apator Powogaz and TVO Group at Aqua Therm 2023

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    We, as the official and exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine, took part in the Aqua Therm International Exhibition, which took place in Kyiv from 16 to 18 May 2023.

    Aqua Therm is an exhibition of water supply, energy-efficient heating, industrial refrigeration, ventilation, air conditioning and plumbing. Over the entire period of the exhibition, the number of visitors exceeded 9,500. Among the visitors and participants of the event were: heads of water utilities and heating networks of Ukraine, municipalities, government agencies, directors of large multi-apartment housing developers, management companies, designers and installers - representatives of critical and social infrastructure.

    Visitors found specific and effective solutions to their needs. We have gathered more than 150 contacts from all over Ukraine, with whom we are now holding meetings and negotiations.

    The main topics of the exhibition included cooperation between international donor organisations and critical infrastructure companies in the water and heat generation sectors, ensuring stable operation of water utilities and thermal power plants in times of war, and presentations by communities of projects to reconstruct and restore critical infrastructure.

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Berdychiv is studying the possibility of introducing a new water and heat metering system

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    Одне з найголовніших завдань місцевої комунальної галузі - забезпечити громаду теплом та водою. Підприємствам водо- та теплопостачання треба забезпечити надання якісних послуг в міжопалювальний період, отримуючи прибутки для подальшого розвитку, шляхом удосконалення своєї діяльності. Точність обліку використаних спожитих ресурсів напряму залежить від якості та можливостей лічильників, а саме передачі та контролю показників.
    З цією метою представники нашої компанії зустрілись з міською головою Сергієм Орлюком, його заступниками, а також керівниками «Бердичівводоканалу» та «Бердичівтеплоенерго», продемонструвавши зразки лічильників та самого модуля, який здійснює зняття та передачу даних.
    Результатом даної зустрічі є підготовка комерційної пропозиції з нашого боку, а також поставка кількох приладів для Водоканалу та Тепломережі, аби підприємства могли їх протестувати.

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TVO Group + Epicentre K

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    We are pleased to share with you the news of the start of cooperation between TVO Holding, the exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine, and the national network of Epicentre and Nova Liniya shopping centres.

    Since 23 December 2021, meters manufactured by Apator Powogaz have been presented in 8 stores in Kyiv:
    11 Bratislavska St.
    1-b, Kiltseva road
    6B Berkovetska St.
    6 Kryshtaleva str.
    40, Hryhorenka str.
    4 Viskozna str.
    20D Poliarna str.

    All products of Apator Powogaz, one of the largest European manufacturers of meters, are certified in Ukraine and meet the highest quality standards and legal requirements for measuring devices.

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Apator Powogaz та TVO Group at Aqua Therm 2021

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    Виставка – це завжди найкраща можAn exhibition is always the best opportunity to get to know each other better, communicate, establish new contacts and learn about innovative solutions in the industry.

    This year, TVO Group, the official and exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz, the manufacturer of water and heat meters, was an active participant in the 23rd Aqua Therm International Exhibition for Energy Efficient Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, Industrial Refrigeration, Water Supply, Renewable Energy, Plumbing and Swimming Pools.

    Engineers, water utilities, construction and water and heat supply companies, as well as other industry representatives received comprehensive information on
    ● the advantages of Apator Powogaz devices;
    ● the principles of operation of automation systems for utility metering;
    ● experience of successful projects from leading market experts.

    The exhibition took place from 18 to 20 May at the International Exhibition Centre.

    In addition to water and heat meters by Apator Powogaz, which have long been in demand in Ukraine, our specialists presented comprehensive solutions for automating utility metering.

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TVO Group secures an exclusive contract from Apator Powogaz for distribution in Georgia

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    TVO Group and one of the largest manufacturers of water and heat meters, Apator Powogaz, have signed an agreement to sell equipment in Georgia.

    Entering the Georgian market, developing partnerships and creating an exclusive dealer network for Apator Powogaz Georgia is one of the company's strategic goals in 2021.

    The first meetings with potential partners - dealers of Apator Powogaz products, as well as representatives of the top 10 apartment building developers in Georgia - were held in the spring of this year.

    TVO Group is a group of companies engaged in the wholesale of equipment, as well as the development and implementation of Smart solutions for utility metering in Ukraine.

    In Ukraine, Apator Powogaz equipment is purchased by all major apartment housing developers, as well as other commercial and industrial enterprises. The range includes more than 100 types of products.

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Lvivvodokanal and the official distributor of Apator Powogaz in Ukraine signed an agreement

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    In order to provide additional services to consumers, Lvivvodokanal, a municipal utility company, and TVO Group, the official and exclusive distributor of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine, have signed an agreement to sell water meters and ready-to-use automation solutions.

    "It is important for us to constantly expand the range of services and provide the best choice for our customers. Soon, a customer who comes to the service centre will be able to use an additional service - to get an extended consultation and purchase the necessary metering device," said Dmitry Vankovich, the company's director, at the signing of the agreement in early April.

    At the service centre, the information stands showcase samples from the best manufacturers so that consumers have a wide choice and the opportunity to select equipment with the required technical characteristics.

    In Ukraine, Apator Powogaz apartment and common house water meters, as well as Smart solutions for metering automation, are in demand by almost all large companies involved in the construction of multi-apartment housing.

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Apator Powogaz meters were presented at Rivnovodokanal

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    Прилади обліку води та тепла, які майже не ламаються, яким не страшні ні бруд, ні конденсат. Захищені від впливу магнітного поля та готові для інтеграції в системи автоматичного передавання даних. Діаметр лічильників від 15 до 300 мм - починаючи від невеликих квартирних і закінчуючи загальнобудинковими та промисловими.
    Презентація приладів обліку води Apator Powogaz головам ОСББ, місцевим проектантам і керівникам районних водопостачальних підприємств відбулася 15 лютого на базі "Рівнеоблводоканалу". Починаючи з 2019 року наша компанія представляє в Україні європейський завод-виробник Apator Powogaz.
    "Ідея презентації на базі водоканалу виникла не випадково", - каже директор компанії "ТСТ Груп", регіональний дилер компанії Apator Powogaz Іван Якима.
    В Україні ухвалено закон про комерційний облік, і наразі гостро стоїть питання організації комерційного, розподільчого обліку, обліку в приватному секторі, в новобудовах і передачі цих даних.
    На "Рівнеоблводоканалі" не приховують, що з продукцією цього виробника приладів обліку води і тепла працюють уже не перший рік. Кажуть, що це найбільш оптимальна пропозиція на ринку у співвідношенні "ціна - якість". Крім того, матеріали, з яких виготовлено прилади обліку, європейського виробництва - там немає ні китайських, ні російських складових. В Україні ця компанія має розгалужену мережу представництв, тож жодних проблем із гарантійним та післягарантійним обслуговуванням не виникало.
    "Ми працюємо з цим виробником уже понад п'ять років, - каже директор "Рівнеоблводоканалу" Андрій Карауш. - У нас стоїть їхнє обладнання на свердловинах, на теплопунктах. У квартирах рівнян такі лічильники поки що не дуже поширені, бо коштують дещо дорожче порівняно з іншими, але ці прилади обліку справді зручні та надійні".

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TVO Group and Apator Powogaz signed a contract for exclusive distribution

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    Since 2019, our company has been representing the European manufacturer Apator Powogaz in Ukraine.

    Through a developed regional network of dealers, we officially import and sell about 100 products: water and heat meters, equipment and components for automation systems and remote reading and transmission of metering devices.

    In December 2020, our company continued cooperation with the Apator Powogaz plant by signing a five-year supply contract.

    The Certificate issued on the basis of the agreement confirms the status of TVO Group as the official and exclusive distributor of all types of Apator Powogaz products in Ukraine until 2025.

    It should also be added that all products of the Polish manufacturer, which is one of the largest European manufacturers of such equipment, are certified and authorized for sale in Ukraine.

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